Good design is hard. Great design is invisible. The journey so far has taught me that great work is the result of passion, curiosity, consistency, conviction and skill. The way I strive to work couldn’t be better encapsulated than the phrase imparted by the late Steve Jobs and Dieter Rams.
School of Art and Design – Santa Crus, CA
Associates in Graphic Design, 2003
Asp, SQL, Javascript and Laravel
California State University – Fullerton, CA
Bachelor of Science in Web Development, 2006
Asp, SQL, Javascript and Laravel
School of Art and Design – Santa Crus, CA
Associates in Graphic Design, 2003
Asp, SQL, Javascript and Laravel
Graduated with honors
Coursework in Design Structures, Art History, and Typography
California State University – Fullerton, CA
Bachelor of Science in Web Development, 2006
Asp, SQL, Javascript and Laravel
Graduated with honors
Coursework in Programming, Design Structures, and Computer Architecture
In Addition to working as a designer and web developer, I’ve also picked up the following skills along the way.